Get Success in every sphere of LIFE

                            Success At  Everywhere
1.       Keep Ego Aside , Encourage  others. Then GOD will keep u in good track

      When u want to know new things , keep ego aside .

2.       Think virtually, Your EOL(End of Life)  is tomorrow.

3.        You are the last Escalation point.
      If u think like this . Next day U will be the Mentor of yourself

4.       Be a global and dynamic thinker.

     U have to inherit  good behavior which other People have/don’t have.

5.       Be health wise better than the best , then You think also best all the  time.

Take 4 times meals a day, Breakfast like King ,Lunch like prince. Take light snacks in evening.   Dinner like Begger, Take water  frequently to recycle your brain power. Take water in this ratio like (Weight/10)-2  .Do yoga to extend ur DOD(Date of Death) . Becoz  gym  has very big demerits in later stage of life. People always excuse  about when they  drink water, So I told them when u think of tea/coffee, that time u drink water. Tea has acidity affect on body.

An apple a day keep doctors away. Because apple has A to Z vitamins

6.       Now a days youngsters take cold drink, bear, fast foods etc .It  has very bad affects in later stage .They  think that let the mind and body has to take every thing in present, Actually there is no control of mind and responsibility in life. When they get admitted in hospital for acidity  and different types diseases, I really hurt at the same time . becoz there is a very much shortage of doctors around the world. Wife ,son and whole family got distressed for u . Take Precaution and take good things in life ,So  best study, best judgement of urs  is necessary for everytime to take best affect.  
7.       Avoid procrastination and lethargy .
Help  everybody with selfishlessness  as if he  helped u a lot in past  . Think like that , So that GOD will help u all time .
8.       We can  see future in present . if Precaution and Awareness done in every cases.
        9.    How U will be  happy 100%  in life - Try to Put heart in illusion state  that u have everything in life . Because your body and mind does  not know your salary and everything . Body  want best food to keep fit. You must internally trying for improvement in every aspects of life. You don’t let know the heart this thing . You got  everything till now what u deserve. If u want to jump higher layer , you  must have to put hard work for the same and automatically you will be shifted to higher layer. So You have to be happy in present any how .  
10. To  Crack future, Do work (Karma) in  4D (Determination, Dedication, Devotion, Discipline) effect.
Prepare a virtual luck. Work with full fledge. If it is achieved, u just compare it with real luck .It is exactly same. It it is not achieved , it is bad luck. If we prepare a virtual  luck everyday ,then crack the real luck is too easy But people are so lazy they did not make virtual luck. though they are highly qualified.

11. Update/Synchronize  yourself with upcoming trends.  

12. It is less time required to change external appearance  (e.g-Dress, watch, hair style etc)
So  do change  inner quality as soon as possible  every time.

13.       Think beyond your limitation.

Because u did not know your limitation.

14.  Universe is my family.
15.Kill your bad habits- whatever they are : Laziness, Excessive emotionalism, Living upto an image, Poor fitness, excessive mobile phone / internet , over involvement in people & people issues or anything ! 

Because if YOU do not - Your habits will chain you like a slave & would not let you move freely in the direction of 'Life which you have always wanted to create'.

15. Character only reveals person’s inner quality and also recognize in how much deep water u stands. 
16. Create an image for urself So that  people can copy you .
17. Our mind works very speedy when we are in high work pressure .  So Think virtually we have  the work pressure is there .So We can get more ready for real work scenario  .
18. Do Self introspection every day . You can get good life everyday. 
16. Praise internal etiquette/behaviour of  person. Don’t praise external quality/appearances like new dress, hair style etc.
16. Create a virtual doctor within yours .So that u can get cure many diseases proactively .
17. To maintain the line “Be young in younger life. Not old in younger life”. One should have to
eat  for body not for mind and tongue. So control both Mind and Tongue as much as u can. Unless beds in hospital might waiting for  u. 
17.Generally Human being make changes in life when they see  other’s improvements. So think virtually  all people except You made high hike in improvements in all sectors. So make speedy change in your life. 
18. People feel inferior/ashamed when they respect others .To get respect first give respect .   
19. If   every body talks with everybody only   , Then all issue would resolved in a seconds in earth. But It is not happening.
   “ Everybody is busy with their EGO, MONEY,GREEDY, Designation”
19. Luck is prewritten . All is based on karma . Only karma can change Luck. So at least We all tried to do best Karma in life , So that no excuses no more that distress our life. 
20.People go satsang in older age because they did not gain knowledge in younger age
 21. You will be surprised that only 3 persons are  happy and encourage on your success. Parents and me. 
22. If any positive and good talk is negated by anybody, It means he/she has no knowledge about this  or  his/her ego avoid the same.
 23. Be a better than the best human being  Ex.- If u hear any demerits of  one’s, Do not discourage him and do not let him/her down. Just encourage by saying that :Err to human, get it correct immediately.
24.To accustomed with a good behavior takes 3 weeks.
25. I welcome all good thing from everybody .
Life in Bachelor
1.Try to pursue a well behavior and take food  in time  asap. Unless Parents will distress about you ,  wife will distress after marriage .Disease will be ur back at all time . If you did not change ur behavior , it will affect ur children also.
2. Prepare a well CV about ur self   before you getting married.
 Take precaution in  Married life
1. Promise urself that don’t be lenient. Support  truth all the time . All issues would resolve if Son  and Wife both discuss every issue with Parents/Father-in-law.
2. Don’t forget parents at every time. Wife always try to avoid  father-in-law every time .So restrict this. 
3. Best behavior  convergence is required after marriage means husband should know /put  the  wife’s good  behavior /culture in himself and vice versa.
4. Medical Expenses are high . Escape the outing as much possible , unless again medicine costs are higher than ur income
5. Don’t blame  GOD for bad /deterioration of health in future. Ur health depends upon what u take food in present .  So u have  to take heavy breakfast before 9 Am .
6. Do ur work as much as u can , because Wife is also a daughter of  ur Father- in- law ,She is a human being, not ur  servent.  Think every time  that  you are ur own backup. If wife  died in any reason   , How  u will manage  ur  whole life  in single  ?
7.Life  will be so easy , if u escalate ur issue to ur father ,and wife’s issue to  her father .ur task will be too less only to brought up children. U have to take care children also , u don’t think wife will take care of ur child always.

Burning issue in  INDIA 
 Now a days the theft, rape graph  is increasing .Main cause is – ZERO  SELF INTROSPECTION  .
a.       People are getting killed female fetus for male child, so population is growing.

b.      Youngsters are qualified for only earning money  and nothing else  .They  are getting married for  all work is getting  done by wife and  they forget to do own work .They do not even look after/talk to  parents after getting married.  U do ur own work at least for own back up.

N.B-Writer Kishor Kumar Dey experimented all the points in life. So he tells everybody to achieve this , Its very easy . He believes if our circumstances is  best, then We grow well automatically  .So I am happy all the time. 


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